Kawasaki ZZR 1400 ecu tuning

I was recently dropped a Kawasaki ZZR 1400 with some modifications (high flow end cans). The Zzr itself was quite clean (which always helps when carrying out work) and well looked after by the owner.:-)

The problems :

Ian was having some trouble holding steady throttle and was getting a surge at low rpm / steady throttle. He also wanted to remove the low down restrictions in the first couple of gears and of course to get a little bit more power from his bike. Ian also wanted to get his throttle bodies synchronised while I carried out the custom ecu tune.

What was done :

Firstly, I carried out a couple of base runs on the dyno which included a 100% throttle sweep test (shown in the graph below in red). Then a 25% throttle step test in the lower gears was carried out to find the throttle power restrictions between 2000 and 6000 rpm (Shown in the second graph in red).

After assessing the graphs the ecu was removed from the ZZR (which was a bit of a nightmare to be honest) and adjustments were made. The ecu was then refit and ran again. The bike was ran again a number of times after this with adjustments made each time to optimise the ZZR’s performance with the ecu being flashed multiple times. While flashing the ecu I also removed the top speed limiter from the zzr.