
Mototuning made the investment to purchase their own Dyno machine, this enables Mototuning to provide top quality tuning for motorbikes, racebikes & diagnose ECU problems. This investment has allowed Mototuning to become the elite provider for motorbike tuning & diagnose in the Dublin area. Our customers range from your everyday biker looking to squeeze that little more from their bike to race teams competing on a regular basis. Our rolling road is specifically designed for bikes only & we are only one of the few who can provide this service in Ireland!

Our Dydno Deals

The Dyna Pro S14-LCLI Is an Ultra Low Inertia, Eddy-Brake Controlled Dynamometer and has been designed and developed for the β€˜Professional’ engine tuner. All Dyna Pro Dynamometers will provide consistent, repeatable results.

Designed around a machine with a manufactured drum inertia of just 1.4 kg/mΒ², all engine loading is applied by the eddy brake. Sweep, Step, Wind Drag simulation etc can all be tested with the S14-LCLI.


Ultra quick, stable load cell control due to the low rotating drum mass and high speed data acquisition, unrivalled by anything else in it’s class, it truly has to be seen to be believed! Easy bike loading with a platform height of just 315mm. No PID parameters to change to allow constant Speed, RPM holding. 12 Data acquisition channels as standard. Horsepower and torque figures are all calculated real-time and can be displayed using any test.

To book a Dyno run for your bike simply call or email us, we can book your bike in & get you rolling!